Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sketch book Cover

I'll admit that I was starved for something "Big Ass". After that last sketch, I sat back and thought to myself "what to do next". I had this plan to draw Power Girl for a couple months now. She's already known for being top heavy but a size in apple bottom jeans never hurt in my book. Everybody's got there own interpretation of her. I considered using it as a cover to my next sketch booklet. That is "If" I get enough material ready for Dragon con. We'll see how it goes from there.


Ink and Pixel Club said...

I think putting Power Girl on the cover of a sketchbook that does not have boobs in it would be considered false advertising.

Damion009 said...

very very nice man!!! looks awesome!!!

Johnathan Floyd said...

Ha! Thanks guys.

Attractive Art Community (Big Sam) said...

too awesome for words!