Thursday, August 20, 2009

Anvil chorus pg 1

This projects been eating up a lot of my sketching time. Its a 6 page preview comic for Anvil chorus. I got all the pages inked and lettered. All I got left now is to color it. Its been put on hold a few times for other projects and I finally got the inks wrapped up a couple days ago. I had originally planned to have it all done for Dragon con but its becoming clear to me that its just not going to happen. Tom Fiester is a member of Studio Revolver that I know. He has a serious hard on to do everything himself. After all the time its taken to put this together, I can applaud his efforts but sadly I can't do it myself. Of course, Toms' work is usually late and thats part of the problem.

Friday, August 7, 2009

In space. No one can here you crying.

Another one of those pieces I was commissioned to do a couple months ago. This one was Robotech inspired. I was told to do a shot of two pilots in the middle of a chase and the one in pursuit was letting loose one of those trademark Macross barrage of missiles. Also they wanted one of those comic cut in reaction panels for each of the pilots.